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Monday, May 9, 2011

Mary Beth Shewan- Life Coaching Part 3 of 4

Clearly, all of this takes time, so coaching is not a quick fix.  I recommend that clients expect to spend six to nine months working with me in order that successes can be duplicated. They literally will see their own unique success formula we have created.  We all have one, we just don’t stop to figure out how we’ve managed to achieve our goals numerous times in our lives.  I like to think of you as becoming a researcher in your own life, uncovering the mysteries of you – it’s really quite fun.  Another great thing about coaching is that you can do it from anywhere with just a telephone or computer to communicate. 
By far, the best candidates for coaching are individuals who have a deep desire to reach their goals.  You’ll also need a willingness to change, which will require you to move outside your comfort zone.  This means you’ll need to be tenacious, introspective, and willing to take total responsibility for you life.  Again, you have all the answers inside you, but it’s the coach’s job to uncover those through powerful questions, request for action, and objective truth-telling.
(read more)

Mary Beth Shewan, M.S., MCC is principal of Wholelife Coaching in Albuquerque, NM and has been a Conscious Living Coach for 14 years.  As a professional coach, she’s worked internationally one-on-one, with groups, and through tele-classes.  Mary Beth is dedicated to helping clients develop balance, abundance, and authentic work. She finds great joy in her meditation practice and study of Universal Spirituality. 
Contact her at: 505-292-6478

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