BE Healthy. BE Happy. BE YOU.
When Emme asked me to write a blog to you, her readers at EmmeNation, I was honored and excited to have this opportunity. When she specifically requested I address the topic of why I do what I do and how I found my passion, it felt more like divine intervention.
Her request couldn’t have come at a better time because I feel, now more than ever, I have so much clarity about my career.
Just last weekend, I was honored by a group of my peers with 2011’s “Up and Coming Presenter” Award at a very popular Fitness Convention called ECA. I didn’t even know I was nominated, so I was surprised to hear my name amongst a list of leaders in my industry who I respect and admire, and have felt at times, are so much more knowledgeable about their field. You can only imagine my shock when I won. Everyone else was dressed so nicely, and then there was me, still dressed in my sweaty dance and yoga attire from the afternoon sessions. I hadn’t even planned on going to the award show, but the promise to spend just a little more time with a good friend from out of town despite my exhaustion, was too hard to pass up.
Without too much detail, or sounding ever so dramatic, I was so moved and could barely choke out a speech through the swell of emotion in my throat and yes, tears in my eyes. (I’m allowed one Halle Barry moment in this lifetime! Everyone should be.) There I was completely disheveled, but feeling so overcome with joy and gratitude for everyone in that room because we all do what we do for passion. A passion for helping people, a passion for movement and what moves us. A passion for our good health and helping others achieve it. A passion for life. And, in my case, a passion for making a difference in the world.
I do what I do to help people, certainly without expectation of the recognition I received last weekend. Although the award was certainly wonderful, emails from students and those who use my DVD’s inspire me every day to keep creating. To keep working so that I may to continue to reach more people and spread the one thing I believe can heal everyone, in body and soul . . . love.
I certainly didn’t know this would be my path from the start. It had to reveal itself to me, throughout a journey that, looking back, I never would have expected. Nor would I consider ‘easy’. I’ve held all sorts of jobs that I thought I would enjoy or would provide an income that, in my mind, would provide a comfortable life. Or jobs, which frankly, I disliked but would just pay the bills. I struggled with what I thought I was ‘supposed to do’ vs. what I loved to do. But there was always dance for me, always movement and always a desire to learn more. Eventually, opportunities presented themselves, one after the other, and I jumped. And as I become more clear on my purpose and passions, these seem to happen with more frequency. Now, I realize, that yes, this can be my career and life, rather than just my ‘hobby’. And even more important, my purpose. More and more, I am turning over my life into the hands of something greater and asking to be shown the next thing, the next task, the next idea.
I would also like to tell you that I consider myself truly fortunate to work in a business where respect, consideration, support and empathy are the driving forces. So many people have lifted me up and offered advice along the way and I couldn’t do it without them. Just moments ago, I was explaining this to a gentleman next to me on my flight to L.A. with a smile on my face. Unfortunately, his career in money management is not dominated by the same love and joy that I feel every time I am around a group of my peers. I feel blessed every day.
I don’t think we ‘find our passions’. I think our passions finds us, if not already live in us. It is our job to live our life authentically and to excavate a little more of our truth, our passions, every day. Operate more from our hearts, less from our heads. I know this is challenging. I do. I say this as much as a reminder to myself as I do to you. But I find the more I can muster the courage to do just that, my life unfolds with more ease. Less effort, more joy. And who doesn’t want that?
As I was writing, the quote from Henry David Thoreau immediately popped into my head and I thought it offered the perfect ending to this blog.
“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
Now, more than ever, that is becoming my reality and my truth. And I believe, you can make it yours, too.

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