
Welcome to EmmeNation
Where mind, body and spirit meet

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The "Boobie Syndrome"- Diane Matkowski Part 1 of 2

I have been doing bodywork for over 13 years and one of things I consistently see is tension at the base of most women’s necks, located where the neck joins the shoulders.  The tension is very distinct, starting in the neck, through the shoulder, and often ending in the middle of the back.  Some women know it is there and others discover it during our bodywork sessions.  I believe some of this tightness may be responsible for headaches and discomfort in women.  I call it, “boobie syndrome.”

In my studies of the human body and through giving and receiving countless massage treatments, I have learned that we should walk with our hips.  Meaning, we should lead with them before anything else.  Through much of his comedy, Jim Carey shows us in an exaggerated way how to walk. He pushes out his hips and his shoulders fall back, as he glides around in his comical pose.  Without Jim Carey’s exaggerated tone, and by simply leading with our hips when we walk, the body actually aligns in perfect harmony.  However, many people lead with their heads or chest when they walk and this causes our shoulders to slouch and much of our upper back and lower neck to tighten.
For many women poor posture becomes an unconscious way of living due to the added weight or self conscious way we carry our breast.  During adolescence, all women develop differently and at different ages. In years of adolescence our breast are the forefront of discussions.  As adults, many of the stereotypes and gestures revolving around breast remain the same.
Women with larger breast are carrying around a lot of weight on their chests all the time.  If they are not conscious of how they are walking or their posture, and are not strengthening their back muscles, the weight can begin creating problems. As previously mentioned, many women do not lead with their hips, which creates deficiency in the back region.  Carrying yourself in this manner can put the body in a state of disharmony. Many women are too busy to notice until their body tells them through pain.


Diane Matkowski is the owner of Freedom Massage in Paoli, PA. She is a continuing education provider for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, an organization that certifies massage therapists.Over her 13 years in this field—and tens of thousands of massage sessions—she have learned from brilliant body workers and trained with the best. Now, she endeavors to instill both her knowledge of and passion for this work in every detail of my business/bodywork.

The "Boobie Syndrome"- Diane Matkowski Part 2 of 2

The middle of the body, or the pelvis, is what keeps us balanced.  In Chinese theory, it is where the sky and the ground meet in the human body.  When our shoulders are crouched forward and we lead with our heads/chest, our back muscles tighten to keep us upward.  They are in an extended state for most of the day and this becomes the muscles strongest position.  Meaning, they actually get stronger in the crouched state, as they remain there most of the day.  If we neglect to strengthen muscles in the opposite direction, our back muscle become weakened. Eventually, the human body adapts to poor posture, and the body accommodates itself by tightening and strengthening certain areas more than others. Sadly, the unbalance of the body due to poor posture causes pain and discomfort.  Fortunately, this process can be counterattacked through exercises that strengthen the back, practicing better posture and massages.
Massage allows the muscles to loosen; it also increases blood flow, oxygen and body awareness.   Body awareness is especially important because clients are often not aware of tight areas until bodywork sessions begin.  Depending where you go, you will get a plethora of reasons why you are in pain.  There are many options and opinions out there, but I believe a good first step is getting back to the basics.  In my opinion, using the modality of massage is a great option. It is a trusted, healing method that has existed for hundreds of years and is a great, natural alternative to surgery and medication. 
Learn how to become aware of your body, through the magic of massage.  Lead with your hips, appreciate your body (through exercise, good food, drinking water, and good posture), and most importantly, love your boobies!

Diane Matkowski is the owner of Freedom Massage in Paoli, PA. She is a continuing education provider for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, an organization that certifies massage therapists.Over her 13 years in this field—and tens of thousands of massage sessions—she have learned from brilliant body workers and trained with the best. Now, she endeavors to instill both her knowledge of and passion for this work in every detail of my business/bodywork.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chocolate Lovers Look No Further

Black Bean Brownies


3 lightly beaten eggs
2 cups black beans drained ( 1 can )
1/3 cup melted coconut oil
¾ cup cocoa powder
1/8 tsp salt
1 TBSP flax seed meal
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
¼ tsp orange rind (optional)
½ cup maple syrup or honey or agave nectar
½ cup chopped up bittersweet chocolate chips or semisweet
1/3 cup finely chopped walnuts or dried fruit such as cranberries (optional)

 Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease an 8x8 pan. Add all ingredients minus the last two (chocolate chips and walnuts or dried fruit) into a food processor. Blend until smooth and shiny. Stir in the chips and nuts or dried fruit. Spread into the pan and bake for about 30 minutes until the knife inserted in the center comes out clean.  Chill for about 1 hour. Cut into squares and serve.
Note: When making for kids or those who prefer milk chocolate use a lighter cocoa powder.

Like many people I have a sweet tooth. I’m always searching for the best tasting sweet I can find. My priorities have changed over the years. As a kid I liked commercial chocolate, cookies, and cakes. As I got older, my tastes changed to fruity desserts and ice creams. These days, since I follow a holistic lifestyle, my passion is finding the healthiest desserts that satisfy my tastebuds. I have gone through numerous store bought protein bars, healthy cookies, and brownies, always to be left a bit unsatisfied. Most of the time if it tastes too good, than there is too much sugar, fat, or carbs for it to be healthy.
Before I really started reading labels, I was on a Luna bar kick for awhile. Then I traded up for Trader Joe’s sweet and sour granola bars. And finally, Greens bars, but it never felt like I was having a homemade treat. So what I have to share with you is one of  the best desserts I have come across. Brownies made out of  black beans. No flours in them just beans and flax seed meal and all whole ingredients. I like them cold out of the refrigerator with a nice cup of herbal tea.  So try them but don’t tell people they are healthy; you may end up very surprised to find something that tastes so decadent yet healthy at the same time.

Go to www.youtube.com and check out Healthy Cooking with Irene Maltzan if you like these recipes. Please send your email address at wellness.tree@yahoo.com to find out more about the Wellness Tree programs for healthy living.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Get Your Happy Chi On: Q&A with Julie Anna Alvarez

Emme: How did you come to Feng Shui?

Julie Anna: I discovered Feng Shui because my sister, Clara, asked a friend of ours to buy 
her a book on the topic for her birthday in 1996. Had never heard about Feng 
Shui before that.

Emme: How did you get hooked?

Julie Anna: I ended up reading that book my sister got as a gift -- it was a bit "advanced” for me, but I understood the foundational concept that this works because everything around us and we ourselves are made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. I "got it" that energy can influence energy. I bought myself a couple of other books (there were not many available at the time) and 
began implementing Feng Shui "cures" at home.  Positive things began to happen
 for me and my sister with whom I shared the apartment -- she even got a new job
 after having met many roadblocks prior to that!  These amateur successes led me to take my first training course with author/expert Nancy Santo Pietro in
 January of 1999 and I was so fascinated and saw more positive results with my 
first "homework project" clients that I was hooked for good!  I ended up taking 
5 certification training courses and completed them all by December of 2000.

Emme: Why do you feel Feng Shui is important to practice in our lives?

Julie Anna: Feng Shui is important knowledge for people to have in order to live more
 harmonious, successful lives. It helps them clear some of the energy blocks 
that prevent all the good things life has in store for them from coming to them
 more easily (and helps them sail through the tough times more quickly and with 
resilience).  Feng Shui is like acupuncture for your living environment and we
 all deserve to live and work in places that support our best lives.

Emme: What can people do to find their passion?

Julie Anna: Cultivate your curiosity, follow the things that spark your interest and
 enthusiasm.  If one of those interests turns out to be something you seem to be 
good at and that you enjoy, pursue it further and see how you can incorporate 
it more into your life.  I never would have predicted that reading one book out
 of curiosity would have led me to developing a new area of expertise that
 allows me to help people in such a fulfilling way! When I was in my Feng Shui
 training courses, my classmates gave me the nickname "Happy Chi" because I was
 so happy learning and practicing Feng Shui.  That's why my company is
 named "Happy Chi Solutions" and as my logo says, "Creating Harmony One Space At 
A Time" -- this is exactly what I do with Feng Shui and I love it!
Julie Anna Alvarez is a Feng Shui consultant and public speaker with a unique background that allows her to relate to the myriad concerns of both her residential and business clientèle. A graduate of the internationally acclaimed training program “The Accelerated Path™” founded and taught by Feng Shui expert and author Nancy SantoPietro, Julie Anna Alvarez was personally mentored by SantoPietro and was a Senior Associate of Nancy SantoPietro & Associates, prior to launching her own Feng Shui consultation and seminars enterprise, Happy Chi Solutions.

Julie Anna Alvarez

Monday, May 16, 2011

Reader Beware- The Journey of Bradi Nathan

I've always been very forthcoming. The girl who wears her emotions on her sleeve- that's me.  One would describe me as outgoing, honest, and even funny at times, with excellent social skills to boot. I have two awesome kids, a nice home and a husband who adores me.  It's a life I've always dreamed of having... one that some may even envy.  So why then, I ask, was I so fucking miserable? Tortured by self-loathing, constantly striving for perfection, in business and in appearance, and now, obsessive compulsive.  What happened to the woman we all once knew? When exactly did I become so lost in myself that I could not release myself from the vacuum that sucked me away?  

After many a breakdown, a bit of therapy and some meds thrown into the mix, I am now able to answer some of my own questions.  It wasn't an outside force (kids, hubbie, carpools or work) that was making me miserable. I was making myself miserable and the tipping point into my depressive state... the book, "Skinny Bitch."

I wish I could undo my downward spiral and give back every word that I soaked up.  One thing is certain, after reading, and sticking to the guidelines of the "Skinny Bitch", you WILL become a SKINNY BIATCH!!

This is my journey and it has only just begun.

Bradi Nathan is a mother of two, Co-Founder of MyWorkButterfly.com- a social networking site for return-to-work and working moms, and the Founder of For You Two- a mommy-and-me based program. Prior to having children, Bradi worked as the Advertising Manager at Marie Claire magazine, after a few years at Town & Country magazine as Beauty Advertising Director.

Bradi Nathan


Thursday, May 12, 2011

10 Tips for speaking like a “PRO”

1.     Understand your audience and prepare your remarks to meet their needs-not necessarily your own.  A story to illustrate your point allows your audience to connect to you and to remember the point.
2.     Dress appropriately to the program, organization and your topic.  As a presenter, a good rule of thumb is to be dressed one level above the audience.  If you feel good about how you look, it will translate on the stage as confidence.
3.     Check out the meeting space.  Visit the room where you will speak and test the A/V you will be using, along with the sound system.  Get comfortable before you enter the stage in front of the audience.
4.     Keep eye contact with your audience.  Using notes with key points, and not reading your speech, allows you to keep eye contact with the audience- not eye contact with your notes.
5.     Make a connection with your audience by stepping away from the podium and engage by using body language.
6.     Turn nervous energy into an enthusiastic delivery.  Approach the stage, pause and take a relaxing breath, make eye contact with the audience and open with an impactful story that immediately captures their attention.
7.     Limit the number of points you plan to present to 3 and start each one with an illustrative story, hopefully, a personal one.  Do not use other people’s stories unless you plan to give them credit and have asked for permission prior to the event.
8.     Use Handouts or if you will be providing your slides, or an outline of your information on your website as a follow-up to the program, let the audience know this at the beginning so they can relax and listen instead of hurriedly taking notes.
9.     Meet/greet the audience after your speech.  Making one-on-one contact with your audience cements the initial relationship you established on the stage and adds a personal touch to your message.
10  Evaluate every performance.   Soon after exiting the stage, record notes on where you would like to improve, what you did well, and what you would change for the next event.

Jo Cavender is the president of Speakers on Healthcare and is the past president of the International Association of Speakers Bureaus (IASB).  She received the top two awards in the speaker bureau industry: the Palmer Award, for outstanding contributions to the industry; and the Dottie Walters Helping Hands Award, for dedication and support to the industry.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mary Beth Shewan- Life Coaching Part 1 of 4

Mary Beth Shewan is a life coach that Emme has personally used and has gained significant insight from over the years of their friendship. 

Mary Beth Shewan, M.S., MCC is principal of Wholelife Coaching in Albuquerque, NM and has been a Conscious Living Coach for 14 years.  As a professional coach, she’s worked internationally one-on-one, with groups, and through tele-classes.  Mary Beth is dedicated to helping clients develop balance, abundance, and authentic work. She finds great joy in her meditation practice and study of Universal Spirituality. 

Introducing the first of a four part series: 
I often get asked how I became a Life Coach.  Like many of the folks I work with, I was working in a job that felt more like a prison sentence than a career.  It was safe, secure, and paid well yet my soul was withering with each passing day.  I had to find something that gave me the freedom to express my talents and gifts; something that allowed me greater flexibility in my schedule while still be able to make a descent living.
I remember the first coaching course I took in March 1997 just like it was yesterday.  It was one of my life’s defining moments.  Within the first two hours, the instructor said, “We see clients as naturally, creative, resourceful, and whole.  There is nothing to be fixed and they are the experts in their lives, not you.”  Inside, I was jumping for joy.  This was something I always knew intuitively and it aligned with every fiber of my being.  I knew with that foundational premise, coaching was indeed the transformational process I was searching for; I was hooked.  I continued my training, eventually achieving the Master Certified Coach designation in 2006.  Oh and I hired my first coach immediately. 

Contact her at: 505-292-6478

Mary Beth Shewan- Life Coaching Part 2 of 4

Whether you’re looking to achieve goals in your life, career or business all coaching is about the person, not the circumstances.  Most coaches have a niche in order to reach out to clients they feel are a good match for their particular passions.  Still, you’ll learn, coaching will touch on your whole life. How we are in one area can translate into how we are in another area of our lives, and everything affects everything else. 
All coaching starts with a coachable goal (i.e. find a fulfilling career or expand my business by 30%).  Once a goal or goals are established, the coach partners with you to first become the world leading expert in YOU:  values, strengths & weaknesses, passion, purpose, priorities, and self-imposed obstacles.  Then a plan is formed to create the change desired.  There is homework all along the way and action is requested; accountability is held.  A transformation occurs as you take actions in alignment with who you are and your goals.  You develop more courage, clarity, and self-acceptance.  You confront your unique resistance to change while finding new ways of being that create fulfillment and balance in your life.  The coach acts in partnership with you and is an objective voice, while also being an unconditional champion for your success. 
Mary Beth Shewan, M.S., MCC is principal of Wholelife Coaching in Albuquerque, NM and has been a Conscious Living Coach for 14 years.  As a professional coach, she’s worked internationally one-on-one, with groups, and through tele-classes.  Mary Beth is dedicated to helping clients develop balance, abundance, and authentic work. She finds great joy in her meditation practice and study of Universal Spirituality. 
Contact her at: 505-292-6478

Mary Beth Shewan- Life Coaching Part 3 of 4

Clearly, all of this takes time, so coaching is not a quick fix.  I recommend that clients expect to spend six to nine months working with me in order that successes can be duplicated. They literally will see their own unique success formula we have created.  We all have one, we just don’t stop to figure out how we’ve managed to achieve our goals numerous times in our lives.  I like to think of you as becoming a researcher in your own life, uncovering the mysteries of you – it’s really quite fun.  Another great thing about coaching is that you can do it from anywhere with just a telephone or computer to communicate. 
By far, the best candidates for coaching are individuals who have a deep desire to reach their goals.  You’ll also need a willingness to change, which will require you to move outside your comfort zone.  This means you’ll need to be tenacious, introspective, and willing to take total responsibility for you life.  Again, you have all the answers inside you, but it’s the coach’s job to uncover those through powerful questions, request for action, and objective truth-telling.
(read more)

Mary Beth Shewan, M.S., MCC is principal of Wholelife Coaching in Albuquerque, NM and has been a Conscious Living Coach for 14 years.  As a professional coach, she’s worked internationally one-on-one, with groups, and through tele-classes.  Mary Beth is dedicated to helping clients develop balance, abundance, and authentic work. She finds great joy in her meditation practice and study of Universal Spirituality. 
Contact her at: 505-292-6478

Mary Beth Shewan- Life Coaching Part 4 of 4

Here’s a tip for finding your passion.  Notice those activities that you get so absorbed in that you loose track of time.  When do you feel the most alive, the most pulled in?  That’s a big clue to your passion.  If you don’t have those experiences, take some time to do some deep breathing, close your eyes and imagine you’re ideal day – what are you doing and who are you with?  Do this several times as it may take awhile to create a deep connection with your heart – where all passion lives.

Let us hear what you’re passionate about and if you have any questions, we’d love to hear from you.  

Mary Beth Shewan, M.S., MCC is principal of Wholelife Coaching in Albuquerque, NM and has been a Conscious Living Coach for 14 years.  As a professional coach, she’s worked internationally one-on-one, with groups, and through tele-classes.  Mary Beth is dedicated to helping clients develop balance, abundance, and authentic work. She finds great joy in her meditation practice and study of Universal Spirituality. 

Contact her at: 505-292-6478