
Welcome to EmmeNation
Where mind, body and spirit meet

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bullying, up close and personal by Ashley Brueck

Hi EN'ers,
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Ashley Brueck, a young Education Major at Montclair State, lover of the written word and quite the babysitter-in-demand.  Read her story about bullying...maybe you or someone in your family can relate to the cruelty that exists in our schools and homes (where bullying originates)...

My Story.

Growing up I was constantly the target of people’s cruel words and acts.  Middle School was probably the worst time of my life.  I was shy, had some friends, but not a solid group, and most of the time got along with the teachers better than with my peers. I had my lunch stolen from me for a month before I finally broke down at home and told my parents what was happening.  Obviously it got taken care of, but I probably can’t even count the amount of times I was in and out of the guidance counselor’s office for the next couple years. I will always remember the group of girls that made my life a living hell those 4 years. I also had an incident where two boys came up to me after school, one held me and the other one punched me in the stomach. READ MORE

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week 2 day 2 Couch to 5K

Never run in cashmere or work pants, I seriously had not time to change before the end of one meeting to the arrival of the next, I had exactly 30 minutes to do what I needed to do, so there you have it!  My neighbor Nita came along for the walk/run (it was her first run of spring) Good job Nita! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Malin and Goetz 7th anniversary!!

My favorites:
-face serum
-face detox mask
-night creme
-every candle they make is a divine house gift and the ultimate treat for yourself.
-deep moisturizing hair conditioner in a tube


Think Yourself Thin

 An interesting perspective to the saying "we are what we think".  (I gather the author used the word thin in the title more in keeping with thinking yourself to your best self of the three body types.  Be it healthy - thin, healthy - muscular, or healthy - larger build, whichever is most fit/balanced/healthy for your natural shape.) 

By Eric Butterworth

Let's talk about diet and reducing. Why do we experience the nagging hunger for food? What controls our appetite? The answer is really simple: our mental state, our consciousness. When you crave certain foods, it is because your mental attitude has created a demand for the food that will make your body reflect the image of yourself in consciousness. You have a certain impression of yourself subconsciously and the food you eat is used by your body cells to sustain that subconscious image. These body cells are by nature willing servants of the mind.
(read more)

Eric Butterworth was an ordained Unity minister and author of numerous articles and books. The following excerpt is from his book Celebrate Yourself!

The opening speech by psychotherapist Susie Orbach at the conference ENDANGERED SPECIES in London, March 4th 2011.

 Please take a few minutes, soak it in and share....

Endangered Species LONDON - Speech by Susie Orbach from Elena Rossini on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How to support a loved one?

I just got this email from a childhood friend, asked for his permission to cut and paste his question here about how to support his girlfriend after the loss of her mom...Matt would be very appreciative if you could respond and honestly share.  

I remember when you lost your mom. She was a wonderful and beautiful person. You were pretty young to take all that on.

This morning I put my 46 year-old girlfriend Jan on a plane for Vancouver so she can take care of her mom who is entering the Hospice program. She has cervical cancer that she never took seriously until it came back with a vengance last year. The past year or so has been tough on her and her mom. I'm a Stephen Minister so I am trained to deal with this but not prepared for it on such a personal level. I know that the woman I sent off this morning will not be the woman I will join for the memorial and funeral. She will be the Matriarch of the family and she will have been there to help her mom leave this world. Not a task I'm envious of - I already did that with my dad.

Anyway, have you broached this subject in your programs/writings/blogs? I'd be curious to see what the women have said so I can get a handle ahead of time on what Jan is going through. If you haven't addressed this it might be something of value to your readers and listeners.

Anyway, I hope you're doing well and if you've done or come across anything like this that might help, please let me know.



Monday, March 14, 2011

Balsamic Bean Dip with Fresh Veggies

Balsamic Bean Dip with Fresh Veggies

1 15-ounce can cannellini (white kidney beans), drained
2 tablespoons olive oil
1-2  tablespoons balsamic vinegar plus extra for drizzling
¼ cup sun dried tomatoes. Oil reserved for drizzling
Oil from jar of sun-dried tomatoes
Assorted crudités
Whole grain pita bread, cut into wedges or or pita chips
Puree beans, olive oil, and 1 tablespoon vinegar in processor until smooth.

Season with salt and pepper. Transfer to bowl. Drizzle with tomato oil and a few drops of vinegar. Serve with crudités and pita wedges.

To find more recipes/nutritional counseling from Irene: wellnesstree@yahoo.com

Once a month if you're in the Northern New Jersey area, you can cook with Irene, I love to!  (Irene can also cook privately and shop healthily for you also).

Be My Guest

Have manners flown out the window?

At work are you judged by how you handle yourself with others or are common courtesies left unsaid and ignored?  Personally, I feel through our lack of manners, we are deficient in some way.  
Times are certainly hard for most of us and simple manners mean more now than ever.  They make the sting of the hardship around us a little more bearable.  A simple hello, held door on a blind date (OK, I had to throw this in), allowing an elderly lady enter a doorway first, a nod to job well done by written note.  It all adds up. 
Manners are certainly not only for the elite, who by the way, can be the worst of all when left with unmananged money induced entitlement issues, but I am not speaking to that here.
Manners sees no class and is fair game for all who want to play.
Why do manners help or hurt us, if at all? Do share.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday out and about...day 2, of Couch to 5K

So far I am not as sore as I thought I would be. I am looking forward to tomorrow's run/walk.
If you have an iphone, Nike has an app that helps calculate how far you walk or run, all you need to do is buy the sensor and lace it on your shoe, have you phone on, press start and you dont have to wonder how far your work out was.  This works well with the Couch-to-5K app which coaches you along each day...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Couch to 5K app

Today's walk run was a delight...I had some help from an app that a friend of mine shared with me over tea earlier.  I want to be able to run a 5K without dying for a few charity events this summer but always over do it, and quit.
check this app out: Couch to 5K it is $2.99, and I will continue to share how I like the coaching.
I am so not into the pain, but want the results!  I'll show up and be consistent as long as I am not beyond sore.
more to come!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walking with a great view!

One of the first things I did at my new apartment, I mapped out a quick 30 minute walking route for those crazy days when more time for my workout just cant be found but don't want to skip my routine all together.  You have no idea how a brisk 30 minute walk/jog can help your mind, body and spirit to last the entire day.
OK, you may not be hitting the gym, spinning your heart out or pushing back the weights, but every little bit counts!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ode To my Bath

I am in heaven with the bath in my new apartment.  I am close to 6 feet and I lay without a bend to my knee.
It's heaven I tell you. 
My home spa last night consisted of:
1 Cup of Epsom Salt with essential oils: 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of rose,  2 drops of sandalwood.
Candles a must.
Ode to my Bath
Oh the depth of your warmth,
so enveloping your caress, 
I am yours for the 15 minutes before dinner is served.
Gentle are your waves of acceptance and
welcoming my relaxation in your fluid arms.
Thank you for the respit to my very busy day,
I am grateful to have you with so much pain going on in our world.
I am blessed to have you ever present when my body aches and faithfully you give me relief.
Ah yes, ode to my bath.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Does Buying USA manufactured products matter to you?

I am about to get into clothing again and want to know your thoughts.  I'm feeling strongly I want to do a few things differently than before:

-produce what the demand without the overage and recycle.
-produce in the USA as much as I can.
-turn old factories into working factories again with an creative artist base as the anchor.
-I want to train and get single mothers (with on-site daycare a part of the package) back into the workforce by working in these refurbished factories.   Come to think about it, engage returning soldiers to manage the restoration and production project. 
-I want to tap the incredible resource of our newly retired class into these greenly refurbished factories isI want to have products made in the USA but am having a hard time finding these products.

Does sustainable production or buying in the USA excite you in any way?  Please Share.

Broadway - Love, Loss and What I Wore

Love, Loss and What I Wore!
If you find yourself in the heart of Manhattan anytime soon, you have to go to this wonderful play, don't forget to bring your sister, daughter, mother, girlfriends, niece (in middle or high school), and yes, grandma!  All will get a kick out of the show! Tickets

Finally moved in!

What a move.  Loews and I now have a personal relationship.  Man, my body was sore last week, thanks Pat for such a needed rub.  Just digging out from the enormity of the move, leaving 80% of what I owned previously to a 2 bedroom apt with my daughter.  Home is really where the heart is, and strangely enough, I  don't miss the house.  I feel relieved.
Good things are coming, I feel it! Change is good!

Emme's Down Size

Needed to do without manicures, hairstyling, or the illusion of effortless glam.  I hustled with the help of my brother Chip and dear friends who packed and unpacked my stuff in canvas totes (look to www.Consideritdone.com for any green packing ideas).  I didnt have to deal with the awkwardness of boxes and killing a forest to move.  Loved the handles for easy lifting.
Now I feel is the beginning of something special.