Hi EN'ers,
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Ashley Brueck, a young Education Major at Montclair State, lover of the written word and quite the babysitter-in-demand. Read her story about bullying...maybe you or someone in your family can relate to the cruelty that exists in our schools and homes (where bullying originates)...
It is my pleasure to introduce you to Ashley Brueck, a young Education Major at Montclair State, lover of the written word and quite the babysitter-in-demand. Read her story about bullying...maybe you or someone in your family can relate to the cruelty that exists in our schools and homes (where bullying originates)...
My Story.
Growing up I was constantly the target of people’s cruel words and acts. Middle School was probably the worst time of my life. I was shy, had some friends, but not a solid group, and most of the time got along with the teachers better than with my peers. I had my lunch stolen from me for a month before I finally broke down at home and told my parents what was happening. Obviously it got taken care of, but I probably can’t even count the amount of times I was in and out of the guidance counselor’s office for the next couple years. I will always remember the group of girls that made my life a living hell those 4 years. I also had an incident where two boys came up to me after school, one held me and the other one punched me in the stomach. READ MORE